The Network of Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women, present at the International Forum “Four Years of the Decade: Scope and Challenges of the Observatory of the Political Platform of Afro-Descendant Women”, held in Cali – Colombia from October 10 to 14 of 2018, representing: Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico and the United States.

We declare and propose the following:

Within the framework of the enforceability of our rights:

In education:

  1. That each country commit itself to the promotion of education about our Afro-descendant history, told by ourselves under a vision of dignity.

  2. That affirmative policies be implemented for Afro-descendant women in order to guarantee their access to higher education.

  3. That the path taken by young women for public education with anti-racial and anti-patriarchal approach be strengthened, in favor of the recognition of the rights of girls, adolescents, young people and women of African descent, from knowledge and ancestry.

  4. That each country commit itself to the rescue of the historical memory of Afro-descendant women and their peoples.

  5. That a sexual and reproductive education that allows the respect to the diverse identities and the free construction of the gender be guaranteed..

In right to economic autonomy:

  1. That economic development projects be guaranteed that allow young women and adults of African descent to have a decent life..

In right to the territory::

  1. That the territories of Afro-descendant peoples be respected as ancestral spaces and that the right to land be guaranteed..

On the right to the census:

  1. That each country commit itself to include the Afro-descendant population in the census, in order to have reliable statistics that allow for the elaboration and implementation of public policies that benefit us and give the right to be counted and recognized.

On the right to sovereignty and food security:

  1. That black women, as guardians of the food culture of their peoples, have guarantees for the sovereignty, food and nutritional security of women, girls and boys..

On the right to health:

  1. That the integral health of girls, adolescents, young people and adult women be guaranteed and access to their sexual and reproductive rights.

  2. That the integral health of the girls and boys who are born and born in a situation of migration be protected, facing situations of high vulnerability.

The Network of Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora women, within the framework of our political participation, proposes:

  1. Look for long-term solutions to the indecent migration, promoting empathy and awareness in the situations of migrant afro descendant women who come to our territories, weaving sister networks in peace, love and respect, and opening effective spaces for citizen and economic participation.

  2. That each country commit itself to implement the law of equity, parity and participation of Afro-descendant women for positions of political representation.

  3. We urge local, national and international organizations to recognize the work of young women by giving them active participation in the decision-making spaces that allow having a youth vision in all community work.

  4. Generate analysis of political changes in the territory and their impact on political and economic dynamics based on our social commitment.

  5. That the countries guarantee the right to life and legal protection for women human rights defenders.

  6. Address racial affectations to Afro-descendant women due to hypersexualisation and objectification of our bodies in the context of armed conflicts, in which sexual violence, forced recruitment and revictimization of the processes of reincorporation into civilian life occur..

From the Network of Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women, we demand the governments of the 22 countries represented here:

  1. That the signatory countries of the 2015-2024 Decade of People of African Descent comply fully with the peace, justice and development commitments acquired by signing them within their public policies, including the constitutional recognition of people of African descent in the countries where they still remain legally ignored.

  2. That each country commit itself to the ratification of the inter-American convention against racism, racial discrimination and related intolerance.

  3. We demand that the political persecution of Afro-descendant women be stopped because of their social leadership in the territories.

  4. That the agreements of the Durban Conference be respected in order to nurture, make visible and rescue the political commitment proposed there as the main document and route of action for women of African descent on the planet.

  5. That each country create a governmental institution of Afro-descendant affairs to be served by the State.

  6. That the construction and implementation of public policies that guarantee the enjoyment of the rights of Afro-descendant women be favored.